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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How To Limit Number Of Windows In Flip3D

How To Limit Number Of Windows In Flip3D

Windows Vista is popular for its visual effects. One of the most poplar effects in Windows Vista is the Flip3D facility. In case you are using a system which has got low end facilities then the number of windows displayed by the Flip3D feature should be reduced. Otherwise, it will affect the performance of the system. You can reduce the number of windows by using the following method.

1. Press WinKey+R.

2. Type “regedit.exe“

3. If asked for permission to launch the Registry Editor, click Allow.

4. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\DWM

5. Right click and select New, click on “DWORD (32-bit)”.

6. Name the new DWORD value “Max3DWindows” (without the quotes)

7. Double click on the DWORD value and set it to the maximum number of windows you want displayed in Flip3D. A good number is 5 for low-end cards and 10 for high performance cards.

8. Click OK and exit the Registry Editor.

9. Press Ctrl+Shift+F9 to shutdown DWM, and then press the key combination again to restart it.

10. Press WinKey+Tab to display Flip3D.


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