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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Show/Hide System Files and Folders

Show/Hide System Files and Folders

"System" files are those that used by the operating system (Windows), and they're usually set to be hidden for safety purposes. Although it's highly recommended not to mess with those files, in some scenarios however, we need to deal with them. The first thing we need to do is being able to see those files. They are, by default, set as hidden

files by Windows. Similar to all other hidden files, you can make a small change on your Folder Options to show these files.

IMPORTANT By default, Windows sets hidden to all

the system files/folders to keep users from unintentionally modify or remove them. Enable seeing these files sometimes is a bad idea; especially when you delete multiple files from a folder. "Select All" the files from a folder might include some system files. Make sure you think twice before you perform a file/folder action when you have the "Show System File" option enabled.

1Open "My Computer" then select "Tools" >> "Fold er Options"।
२.Select the "View" Tab, then Check (to hide) or unchec k (do not hide) the option "Hide protected operati ng system files (recommended)"

౩.Click "OK" to exit and accept the changes.


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