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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Increase your Net speed manually no need of Any software !!!
First, u need to goto
Start, then run.
Type in regedit in the box.
Next, goto the
folder HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\services\VxD\MSTCP
Now, find the string Default Rcv Window.
Now, edit the number to 64240 (was 65535).
Reboot your Computer and now you have Increase your Net Speed

Lock folder in your computer

Now lock your folders without the use of any additional software

Procedure :
1. Make a folder on the desktop and name it as "folder"
2. Now, open notepad and write ren folder folder.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} and now (Notepad Menu) File>save as.

3. In the 'save as' name it as lock.bat and click save ! (Save it on Desktop)
4. Now, again open notepad again and write ren folder.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} folder and now (Notepad Menu) File>save as.
5. In the 'save as' name it as key.bat and click save ! (Save it on Desktop)
6. Now, double click lock.bat to lock the folder and now if you open your folder, control panel will open up !
7. Now, double click key.bat to open the folder and now if you open your folder, you can access your data inside the folder again !
8. Lock your folder and hide the key.bat somewhere else on your hard disk !
9. Whenever you want to open your folder just paste the key.bat on desktop and open your folder using it !

Simple !

Increase Broad band Speed

Increase Broadband Speed

A Simple tirck (XP Pro only) which will increase your Broadband Speed.

Make sure you Log on as Administrator, not as a user with Administrator privileges.

Follow the steps as given below-

1) Click on Start Button.

2) Select Run From Start Menu.

3) Type gpedit.msc

4) Expand the [Administrative Templates] branch.

5) Then Expand the [Network] branch.

6) Highlight(Select by Single Click) [QoS Packet Scheduler]

7) Double-click [Limit Reservable Bandwidth] (Available in Right Side Panel)

8) Check(Select By Single Click on it) [Enabled]

9) Change [Bandwidth limit %] to 0 %

10) Click [OK] Button.

11) Restart Your PC.

12) Now Check Your Broadband Speed.


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